Saturday, October 23, 2010

God With Us

I don't know what's going on, but I'm gripped with fear.  I feel like I can't breath.  Again.  I don't want to lose Taeya.  We have come so far.  Please, please, Lord, heal Taeya's heart.  Please carry her to full recovery. 

I keep hearing this song in my mind.  I used to listen to this in Haiti all the time and thought I'd share it:

God With Us

Who are we
That You would be mindful of us
What do You see
That's worth looking our way

We are free
In ways that we never should be
Sweet release
From the grip of these chains

Like hinges straining from the weight
My heart no longer can keep from singing

All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified
God with us

My heart sings a brand new song
The debt is paid these chains are gone
God with us

Lord You know
Our hearts don't deserve Your glory
Still You show
A love we cannot afford

Like hinges straining from the weight
My heart no longer can keep from singing

All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified
God with us

My heart sings a brand new song
The debt is paid these chains are gone
God with us

Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary
Nevertheless we lay it at Your feet
Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary
Nevertheless we lay this at Your feet

All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified
God with us

My heart sings a brand new song
My debt is paid these chains are gone
God with us


  1. "The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is why the patient's hopes are the physician's secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription."
    - Norman Cousins

    Thinking of you Linda!! Hang in there, and try to trust that everything will happen the way it should. Love your blog, to keep everyone informed. Hugs!!


  2. Hi honey,
    Did something happen? Please let me know. I feel so helpless and I know I am powerless but you both are in my heart and prayers! You have lots of love and support and I know you and Taeya are in the best hands ever. Sometimes healing is not on a time clock but the body does, can, and will heal. I know that sometimes recovery feels harder than what one is recovering from but so far, Taeya is here and she is on the path of recovering and I choose to be with that for both of you. I love you both! Trust that she is in the best hands ever and so are you!
    Love, Mom
